Cultural Awareness Through International Character Dancing
The International Character Dance Program has been designed by Russian’s leading implementer of Character Dance, Vladimir Nikitin. In addition to the dance classes we are offering Russian language and arts/crafts classes.
International Character Dances
Character dance utilizes classical ballet technique and vocabulary, extending the students range of movement, stylistic, dynamic & musical experience building a greater diversity of skill and versatility. The course includes active physical practice of technique & movement, as well as information about music & rhythm. This results in a more holistic education & understanding of the development of dance styles. Professional Dance Instruction by Vladimir Nikitin. Character dances are rich in details, some of which trace back to regional costume. In the Polish mazurka, for example, the hand is placed on the upper back of the head because the original performers held their hats in place during the vigorous dancing. Because character dances often feature hopping and running steps, flat shoes or boots, they can seem more easier than classical choreography. In reality, they entail complex upper-lower body opposition, épaulement and heel-toe footwork. A lot of character dance is much sharper and faster than classical. In Moldavian jok, students develop coordination that helps them jump higher, study Hungarian czardas helps with turns. For the Russian trepak in Nutcracker, they learn how to get force out of pliés.
Russian language
Whether your child is brand new to the language or bilingual, immerse him or her in Russian with our native-speaking teachers. Russian language program is available for children of all ages and interests—from the youngest petit learning the language to teens wanting to discover Russian culture.
Arts and Crafts
Our facilitiy and exceptional teachers provide extensive opportunities for those looking to express their creative sides. Crafts, drawing and painting are all available, while some students enjoy creating performance clothing for shows throughout the sessions.
Program Dates: August 27 – August 31st 2018
Hours of Operation:
Our doors open from 9:00am-4:00pm. However, we do offer complementary, supervised, pre-program care running from 7:30am-9:00am, and post-program care running from 4:00pm-5:30pm.
Classes daily: 9:00am -12:00pm
3-6 years, 6-9, 10-13, 14-17
New Russia Cultural Center
1550 Broadway
Rensselaer NY 12144
The cost for our summer program is $100 per week (classes only). Full day cost is $150 per week. When you register we require that you pay for the first week up front by check, mailed to:
New Russia Cultural Center
PO Box 2383
Scotia, NY 12302.
Each subsequent week can be paid for on Monday morning, also by check or cash. If you are registering more than one child you will need to pay for the first week for each camper. You are more than welcome to pay for more than the first week when you register if you choose, but only payment for the first week is required. Refunds are gladly given as long as a request is made prior to the week in question. Other requests are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks:
We have lunch available for purchase during the program hours. The cost of a full lunch is $2 and its made on premises: Sloppy Joes, chilli, macaroni and cheese, hamburgers/cheeseburgers, hot dogs. A full lunch also comes with a cup of juice.
We also provide egg & cheese breakfast sandwiches, for $1.
A mid-afternoon free snack (Russian fresh-baked goods) will be given to all children. In addition we have a concession stand with nominally priced drinks & snacks which students can purchase throughout the day.
To start registration process please fill out the
registration form and email it to
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No registration will be considered complete and approved until all forms and fees are and verified accurate. You are more than welcome to pay for more than the first week when you register if you choose, but only payment for the first week is required. Send your program documents with payment to
New Russia Cultural Center
PO Box 2383
Scotia, Ny 12302
For questions call 518-382-9438 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Whether your child is brand new to the language or bilingual, immerse him or her in Russian with our native-speaking teachers. Russian language program is available for children of all ages and interests—from the youngest petit learning the language to teens wanting to discover Russian culture.
Arts and Crafts
Our facilitiy and exceptional teachers provide extensive opportunities for those looking to express their creative sides. Crafts, drawing and painting are all available, while some students enjoy creating performance clothing for shows throughout the sessions.
Registration Form
Health Record
Behavior Policy