
Our Library is dedicated to providing information, and personal enrichment to everyone in our communities.. 

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When: Saturdays
Time: 3pm – 5pm
Where: New Russia Cultural Center
            1550 Broadway Rensselaer NY

Thanks to the book donations by members of the local Russian-speaking community, the NRCC library is open on premises on Saturdays.  We hope that the Russian-speaking community will make frequent use of this library.
The library fund of about 1,000 publications in Russian is available for a wide range of Russian-speaking readers. It includes literature works for adults and children, journals and magazines. The library is also a valuable resource for those, who is interested to learn Russian language, as well as who want to read Russian novels in English.
book club 1Join our Book Club as we have a great time analyzing the books and hanging out with friends. Treat yourself to a glass of wine and tasty refreshments.
Book Club meetings take place on 3rd Wednesday every month. For Book Club info click here.

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